The Global EV Market Just Got Hostile

Jason Williams

Posted June 12, 2023

Competition in the markets is nothing new. It drives innovation, keeps prices in check, and usually leads to better conditions for everyone.

But sometimes that competition takes on a hostile tone…

And that’s exactly what’s happening in an important corner of the global electric vehicle market: the lithium mining industry.

What the Heck Is OLEC!?

First it was the announcement that the newly elected president of Chile had ambitions to nationalize the lithium market.

Nothing is set in stone as of yet, but the plans, released a little over a month ago, include limiting licenses to explore, develop, and operate lithium mines in the country.

Existing contracts will be honored until they expire, but any new contracts must involve a big partnership with state-run operations.

It’s the first stepping stone toward creating the lithium version of OPEC, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries cartel that holds the oil markets hostage.

This potential new energy cartel — let's call it OLEC (Organization of the Lithium Exporting Countries) — hopes to monopolize production of what many call the “new oil” just the same way OPEC has historically controlled the global oil markets.

And the lengths that the Chilean government is going to in order to secure its role as a leader in the new syndicate shows just how valuable this commodity already is and, even more so, how valuable it’s expected to become.

The country is literally willing to throw away all of the relationships it’s built with public mining companies just to get a head start on the other potential members of OLEC.

But that was just the first shot fired in what looks like it could become a long battle for dominance of the future of energy…

If at First You Don’t Succeed…

More recently — in the past two weeks, to be precise — more hostilities have sprung up as another powerful entity tried to gain dominance in the industry.

But this time, it wasn’t a national government. It was a public company…

And this time, it wasn’t just the lithium that was the target. It was a newly developed technology that makes lithium mining operations over 200% more efficient.

You see, a handful of small companies have been pioneering a new form of lithium extraction that makes mines far more productive.

Current technology is able to recover about 30%–40% of the usable lithium trapped in the earth’s crust.

But this new breed of mining tech boosts that number to an unheard-of 99% efficiency!

Companies developing and testing this technological breakthrough are literally able to produce twice as much lithium from the same resource as they could using the current industry standard.

And as exciting as that sounds, it’s not even the best part about this new groundbreaking technological advancement…

That accolade goes to the fact that this new form of extraction cuts the waiting time from as long as two years to as little as two days!

You read that correctly…

A process that used to drag out for two full years before producing usable lithium is now able to be accomplished in just two days thanks to these new methods.

evaporation vs extraction

And in some cases, it can be done in as little as a few hours!

The implications of this kind of breakthrough are truly staggering…

Not only can we produce more lithium (and at a higher purity) than ever before, but we can produce it faster, cheaper, and without causing so much damage to the surrounding ecosystems.

And that’s why a certain massive multinational corporation is out there trying to scoop up all of the small lithium miners pioneering this technology.

It knows that the company controlling this tech will be the company controlling the lithium market for the next century.

And when its opportunistic offers to buy smaller operations lock, stock, and barrel are rebutted, it’s taking the fight directly to the shareholders in what’s known as a “hostile takeover.”

Try a Hostile Takeover

A hostile takeover is what happens when a company wants to buy another company, but that target company doesn’t want to be bought.

So instead of negotiating with the management and the board of directors, the hopeful acquirer takes its offer straight to the shareholders and offers to buy their shares directly.

It rarely happens because it’s a difficult and often expensive proposition. Companies would usually much rather work out a deal in the boardroom than risk driving up their purchase price in the open markets.

But this technology is just so valuable that the big guys are willing to bend the rules, spend the extra time and money, and get hostile to get what they want.

It’s probably the best proof you could ask for as to how valuable the technology at the center of this hostile action really is.

And it’s a call to investors who aren’t already getting a piece of the companies perfecting this new extraction technique to get invested before it’s too late.

Unlocking the Lithium Mother Lode

And that’s why I’ve prepared a special presentation outlining the technology behind this new extraction method.

It’s also why I’ve spent months pinpointing the microcap companies out in the field pioneering this exciting new technology.

The potential profits waiting for early investors as this market gets hotter and hotter are the kind of things dreams are made of.

And I want you to be one of those forward-thinking investors who are going to become multimillionaires thanks to this new tech and the bidding war it’s helped to create.

I want you to get in early on the operations with the most progress, best assets, and biggest shot of becoming giants of the industry and fending off hostile takeover bids like the one I just mentioned.

So, because I’m so adamant that everyone needs to get invested, I’m taking a drastic step and giving away my research 100% free of charge.

I’ve identified the companies poised to profit the most and want you to share in those gains.

So check out my presentation (or this equally informative report) TODAY, before it’s too late.

Get yourself invested before these operations are bought up for massive premiums and the early investors are all sitting on profits bigger than their wildest dreams.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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